Just sitting on my computer’s desktop can cause lag somehow when there’s nothing else open or going on) I have pretty decent internet and it still hits lag spots every time, even when I’m only doing basic stuff (not even playing video games, either. Your internet pretty much has to be really great for it to work (or you have to be like me and play pretty much only JRPGs or vns) because it lags CONSTANTLY. Now, the controls CAN be moved around the screen, which helps slightly, but doesn’t change the fact that the key mapping is messed up. I’ve run into WAY to many where their virtual controller has the wrong key mapping for the game, yet there’s no options in their settings (and none for the game being played) to change it to the correct setup. The real problems come when you try to play games with this. You can change this in the settings (the icon with the touchpad/mouse buttons there’s a couple different options in there)

It keeps defaulting to a drag and click method, which isn’t terrible, but also isn’t really that intuitive with a touch interface.